Flying with Long COVID / Post-COVID syndrome

Reading Time: 4 minutes

While being infected with COVID-19 is already stressful, and in some cases a highly traumatic experience, Long COVID or Post-Covid has brought about a whole new set of complications for patients. Researchers are still looking into this medical complication and have still yet to come up with exact data on it.

This ambivalence has created a certain conundrum for survivors of COVID-19 who now have to adopt more precautionary measures. This article will explore what Long COVID is, whether it is safe to fly with the symptoms and the precautions that must be taken.

What is Long COVID or Post-COVID syndrome?

While there is no exact definition for either Long COVID or Post-COVID, both terms refer to a range of new, returning or ongoing health complications that a patient experiences after being infected with the coronavirus.
To put it simply, Long COVID is the long-term effects of COVID-19.

Typically, coronavirus symptoms last for 2 to 4 weeks, during which time some patients have already made an initial recovery. While everyone’s battle with coronavirus is not the same, Long-Covid symptoms generally start appearing 4 weeks after a coronavirus infection and if they last for longer than 12 weeks, the condition will be called Post-COVID syndrome. As advanced by the WHO, in cases of Long COVID or Post-COVID, the symptoms cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis.

coronavirus patients

Who is affected by Long COVID / Post-COVID?

While this is a difficult question to answer considering the recency of this phenomenon, according to a study conducted by the ONS, Long COVID / Post-COVID symptoms are most common among:

  • Individuals aged between 35 to 49-year-olds
  • Women
  • Patients with underlying conditions limiting their activities
  • Individuals working in health, social care or education
  • Individuals “living in poorer areas”

Symptoms of Long COVID and how it affects flying

Researchers have recorded different variations of this medical condition. However, some of the most common symptoms of Long COVID or Post COVID are:

  • Extreme tiredness/headache
  • Fever
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, chest pain or tightness
  • Problems concentrating or remembering things
  • Impact on the sense of taste and smell
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Cough / sore throat
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dizziness /lightheadedness
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhoea
  • Tinnitus / Earache

Some people also experience depression and anxiety, while older people have demonstrated signs of delirium.

While some of these symptoms might be mild ones and would not interfere with your daily activities, others might have a significant impact, preventing a COVID-19 patient from going back to his previous lifestyle, especially when it comes to activities such as traveling, even after their initial recovery from the coronavirus

Is travelling with Long-COVID / Post-COVID possible?

A major question for those intending to travel after being infected with the coronavirus is ‘Is it safe to board an airplane with Long-COVID?’ Flying after a COVID-19 infection can be tricky, based on the symptoms experienced and their effect. The following conditions might have a considerable impact on your travel plans.

Respiratory and cardiovascular symptoms

As a general rule, it is not recommended for patients with respiratory and cardiovascular problems to travel on a commercial plane. This is because the air pressure in passenger cabins is similar to the atmospheric pressure at 2,500 meters. This means that less oxygen is circulated into the cabin.

While this is not an issue for healthy passengers, patients with respiratory problems will be unable to condition their breathing to ensure that enough oxygen is reaching their lungs, causing hypoxia or hypoxemia, which can even be fatal. As such, it can be dangerous to take a flight with Long COVID symptoms such as breathlessness, tightness or other lung-related problems.

Tinnitus - Ear problems

While ear problems, earache or tinnitus might seem to be trivial issues, these Long-COVID symptoms should not be taken lightly if you intend to take a flight. This is because in case of swelling in your ears, the equalization taking place in the middle ear might not be maintained, causing possible damage to your eardrums. Nonetheless, this problem can be solved if the appropriate precautions are taken in advance. Have your ears checked by a professional before flying. During take-off and descent, chew on gum and leave your earphones or AirPods on.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

Not only are gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea or diarrhea uncomfortable and inconvenient on a plane, with the toilets being limited and shared among hundreds of passengers, it can also cause dehydration. First of all, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea imply increased fluid loss. This, combined with the low humidity levels in planes means that you have to be extra careful on the flight.

Extreme tiredness - headache- muscle/joint pain

Travelling is an exhausting experience. It starts from getting to the airport and waiting in long lines, to getting on the plane, not getting enough sleep, being in an uncomfortable seat and finally going through administrative processes even after landing. While not an impossible task, you might be causing more harm to your body if you are already feeling weak from the Long COVID symptoms such as extreme tiredness, constant headache or pain.

Flying with Long-COVID / Post-COVID made easier by Medical Air Service

Despite the above-mentioned conditions, which are non-exhaustive, flying across continents is possible and safe if you take the necessary precautions. Medical Air Service can help you reach your destination safely. Depending on your conditions and the symptoms you are experiencing, a customized travel solution will be designed for you by our experts.

How can you fly to another country safely with Long-COVID or Post-COVID symptoms?

Medical Air Service has three options that enable safe flying even with constant Long-COVID symptoms. These are medical escorts on commercial flights, private jets and air ambulances.

Medical escort on a commercial flight

The most affordable option, this solution is appropriate if your symptoms allow you to fly commercially either in a normal business class seat or on a stretcher that will be installed on the plane. Nonetheless, this is subject to the airline company’s approval. The latter reserves the right to refuse access on the plane and may take 1-2 days to reach a decision.

medical escort

It is appropriate in cases whereby the patient experiences symptoms such as tiredness, headache, pain, problems remembering things or lightheadedness. Patients are accompanied by a medical escort, a health professional, who will monitor their condition and assist them throughout the flight.

Private jets

The comfort and privacy offered by a private jet are incomparable and do not need to be described at great length. Patients with Long COVID or Post-COVID syndrome that finds flying commercially an ordeal can opt for the comfort and practicality of private jets.

The benefits are:

  • Faster check-in process- No need to wait in lines
  • The departure date can be scheduled as per your schedule
  • Smaller jets can land at smaller regional airports closer to your destination
  • You will be able to enjoy more privacy, avoiding the stares of other passengers when you feel sick.

Air ambulances

Equipped with medical equipment, air ambulances are ideal and safe for patients who cannot fly commercially because of the increased risk to their health. The air ambulances of Medical Air Service are fitted to transport even ICU patients and can transport individuals with Long COVID, or even COVID-19 patients. Additionally, the cabin pressure in an air ambulance can be adjusted so that it can fly at so-called ‘sea-level’, which makes flying safe for patients with respiratory problems.

ambulance jet

Onboard air ambulances are doctors and paramedics who will provide constant care to patients throughout the journey. Medical Air Service, operating worldwide, can pick you up from, or take you to, any country across the globe. Moreover, since they are private medical flights, you can choose the departure date.

Contact us if you need to fly with Long-COVID or Post-COVID syndrome

If you have Long-COVID or Post-COVID syndrome, just get in touch with us. We will assess your situation during a free consultation and advise you on the best way to fly depending on your symptoms. Our agents are available round the clock, 7 days a week.

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